Midnight Seduction (Midnight Dynasty Book 1) Page 4
“Women know what other women like because we have the same anatomy, we know the importance of touch and sensation. Men have penises and some of them even know how to use them. Sometimes two is better than one.”
I said nothing as I chewed thoughtfully.
There was no one in my childhood to show me how relationships were supposed to be. No mother to explain the pitfalls of dating or when you should walk away from an abusive partner. We were all an accumulation of our experiences, each one good or bad, honing us into the people we were today. I’d never been overly interested in sex because no one had scratched that itch for me. The Viking definitely knew how to properly use his axe for pillaging, and he’d piqued my interest.
“The rest of the dots up to six depend on the number and pattern, a bit like dominoes.” Megan watched me carefully as she spoke. “But maybe you should stick to one and two for now.”
Considering that two left me dumbfounded, I was practically terrified of what three upwards would entail.
“I know you don’t want to talk about Mark…” Her voice trailed off and she moved her chips around her plate.
“When we talk about him, you get sad and upset for days, Meg. Carl was a royal shit, but Mark did something that is unforgivable. He knew you loved him, he put a ring on your finger, then left you standing in a roomful of people dressed in an expensive white dress. He didn’t even have the balls to tell you to your face what he intended to do. He left you there to face the ultimate humiliation.”
Tears filled her eyes and my stomach churned at the hurt that still lurked there two years later. He hadn’t just left Megan heartbroken; he’d destroyed her and walked away to a new life with his pregnant girlfriend everyone knew about except Megan and me. At least Carl kept me private and no one knew what happened.
“They’ve split up.” Her words were nothing more than a whisper.
“I don’t give a fuck!” My voice rose with every word. “He’s a poisonous snake. If he did it once, he’ll do it again.”
She nodded without saying a word.
There is a universal truth that inside every confident, successful woman, there is a little girl hiding with insecurities. Each of us has a trigger that turns us into that child again. Megan vaguely remembered her family, and always dreamed of having her own one day. That was what made what Mark did so much worse. He knew her history, and he broke her anyway.
There had been a time when all I wanted was a family to love me. Not to replace what I lost, but to allow me to feel that love and connection again. I dreamed of having children, settling them on my knee to read them bedtime stories as Mum had done for me and my sister. A pond for them to watch the fish in with a little pier to the side. Over the years, those dreams had withered and died as I became more isolated from the rest of the world.
In the children’s home we became each other’s family, and together we worked toward being successful women with careers. Our jobs weren’t exciting, but they gave us security and stability, something that children without families craved every single day.
I learnt a long time ago that monsters don’t hide in the dark, they bask in the light surrounded by the web of lies they spin to confuse everyone. Each fibre of that web led to hidden parts of themselves that they kept hidden from the world. I didn’t like spiders, never have and never would.
Mark was a spider that Megan needed to stay well away from before he caught her in his web of lies and deception again.
I’d spent years looking over my shoulder because of the web of lies and deceit I uncovered after my parents’ death. So much was left unexplained, but I’d managed to salvage some mementoes to bring with me into my new life. When I was old enough to understand what Mum had left me, I saw shadows everywhere waiting for me in the dark. It still sent a shiver down my spine when I thought about the accident that night. What were they running from?
“He said he was caught out by the pregnancy and didn’t know what to do,” Megan said, sounding miserable. She was a beautiful, independent woman and deserved better than what he’d given her. A real relationship with someone who could show her love.
“He could have not stuck his dick in her without a condom, that would have helped,” I muttered angrily.
“He said he never loved her.”
I sighed and stared at Megan until she raised her miserable gaze to me. “You can support a child without living with or marrying the mother. Mark chose to do both of those things, Megan. No one put a gun to his head or demanded he do it. Words mean nothing, Meg, you know that. How many cases have you sat in on and listened to this shit?”
Then it dawned on me.
“He wants you to represent him in his divorce,” I said. It wasn’t a question because there would be no other way for them to run into each other. Anger bubbled deep in my stomach at the arrogance of the man asking her for help after everything he put her through.
She nodded.
“Don’t do it,” I demanded.
“I gave him the number of someone else,” Megan said. “I don’t want my professionalism questioned down the road.”
He really was a slimy worm—it’d be ingenious if it wasn’t so disgusting. It let her know he was free and single again, while also putting him in the role of a victim, and if things didn’t go his way, he could blame Megan for trying to get her revenge on him.
“Anything I can do to cheer you up? Cinema? Cocktails?” I asked, signalling the waitress for our bill.
“You could come with me to The Midnight Rooms tonight. I don’t feel like being alone.”
“But you’ll be alone as soon as we go down,” I argued.
“Not if you stay with me and we use one of the three dot rooms,” she said.
“You said I should stick to the one or two dot rooms.”
She shrugged. “I still think that’s for the best if you’re by yourself.”
I handed the waitress cash and lifted my bag, indicating to Megan we needed to head back to work. “Should I even ask what that entails?”
“Three in a forward stroke means that you’re willing to engage in sex with multiple partners, one after the other. Three in a backwards stroke means you’re willing to participate with multiple partners at the same time.”
“How’s that different to two dots?” I asked in exasperation.
“Two means two, three indicates a gang-bang.”
I stopped abruptly in the middle of the pedestrian crossing and several cars honked their horns. I slowly started to walk toward my delinquent friend.
“You did not just ask me to go to a gang-bag with you,” I hissed.
“Technically, I did.”
I grabbed her by the elbow and propelled her toward our office.
“I did what you wanted. I ventured into the dark and let two complete strangers fuck me. Are you trying to kill me with embarrassment?” I demanded.
She stopped suddenly and stared at me with huge, tear-filled eyes and trembling lips. “No. I want us to be happy, and none of our relationships accomplished that. So what if the guys there are married? We all know the rules, we go in there as equals. No one forms romantic feelings in the dark. It’s nothing more than sex that no one but us needs to know about.”
My head fell forward and I closed my eyes to pray for divine intervention. Megan had always been a sexual creature. I tried but failed at every attempt at intimacy, forcing myself to pretend to enjoy my past experiences.
She was still staring at me when I finally raised my eyes.
“Fine, but the first person who tries to stick their dick up my ass will be speared with a stiletto.”
I groaned and rolled my eyes at the guy who stumbled and fell beside us even as Megan laughed. We really needed to start having these conversations in private.
Chapter Six
I never wore red underwear. Mine was usually either black or white, depending on what I was wearing so it couldn’t be seen.
p; I suppressed the need to cover myself in these ridiculous scraps that cost a small fortune. Normally, the greater the quantity, the more you paid. The opposite seemed to hold true for underwear. The less there was to cover my ample flesh, the more they charged me. My credit card was starting to complain in my purse.
Megan looked like a dark and dangerous succubus in the books I liked to read, her make-up sultry and heavy, her eyes deeply outlined to accentuate them in her face.
Who would see her effort down there?
This was for her tonight, I kept reminding myself before I ran out through the door and moved to a different continent.
“Ready?” She gave me a smile that was just a bit too bright that told me she was still fragile after her encounter earlier.
I took her hand and gave it a squeeze. “Lead the way.”
We walked down the corridor toward the large entrance hall that I remembered from the first time here. The darkness left me disorientated and everything seemed too loud, as if people were talking directly behind and beside me instead of the other side of the room. I’d worn shorter heels this time, so I wasn’t prancing around down here like a new-born calf trying to trip over everything. The thought of an ambulance crew coming down here to carry me away on a stretcher was too much for me to imagine without embarrassment.
Megan tugged me behind her, and I noticed the symbols above doorways leading out of the large circular room. I hadn’t seen them the first time I was here because I had been trying to be a statue that no one would discover.
The corridor she pulled me down had three dots in a forward slash, sealing my fate. I was sure everyone could hear my heart beating it was thumping so loudly in my chest. There was something so wrong about being here, yet, I knew the last time I visited the dark side, the cookies had been so sweet that they’d led to the strongest orgasm I’d ever experienced.
Megan led us into a room with a faint red glow above the door, letting us know it was available to enter. “Room for another two females?” she asked the darkness.
“Sure.” I sensed the figures in front of me, their heat radiating out to touch my chilled flesh. My hand tightened on Megan’s in a silent plea.
“Go easy on my friend, guys,” she said to everyone and no one in particular. “This is her first time in one of these rooms.”
Deep chuckles echoed around me and I pursed my lips before the terror in my body made me scream. A warm hand closed around my arm and moved me away from Megan.
“Relax,” his voice sounded beside my left ear. “Everyone in this room knows the rules and we all use condoms. Any questions?”
I shook my head and then realised what I’d done. “No.”
His skin touched mine as he pushed me forward. Did everyone down here have a permanent erection, or did they supply Viagra in the men’s area? His hands landed on my hips to steer me forward.
I bumped into a bed, not a massage table like the last time.
“Take your panties off and get on the bed,” he ordered against my ear. I suppressed a shiver.
Megan giggled somewhere over to my right. Not for the first time in my life, I wished I possessed her confidence.
I shimmied out of my panties and wrapped them around my wrist, crawling onto the bed. I briefly wondered how many people had been fucked on this piece of furniture. Thank God they all wore condoms in this room, or I would be lying on something with its own life force.
My mystery man crawled on behind me, his hands smoothing over my ass. “Any requests?”
I didn’t think they would allow me to opt for tea and biscuits.
He laughed and moved me onto my back. I stared at the all-encompassing darkness that covered my muddled emotions, nearly jumping out of my skin when his lips touched the skin of my shoulder.
“Relax,” he whispered. “Everything here is consensual. If you want to stop at any time, just tell me.”
Consent had been explained when I joint The Midnight Rooms, as the safe word was “midnight.” If anyone uttered it, all contact was stopped. It was non-negotiable.
The fact that I had a choice made my muscles loosen. He took his time to place kisses over my chest and breasts, his fingers tracing downward until they reached between my legs. His middle fingers slid between my lips, giving him access to my clit and pussy. He caressed me with delicate touches until my legs widened involuntarily to give him better access. His lips closed over my nipple and he sucked it until my back arched slightly. One finger slid into my pussy and his thumb moved in slow strokes over my clit.
I recognised Megan’s moan in the darkness. She made the same noise while eating her favourite ice-cream.
The guy above me widened me further with two fingers and I felt his erection rub against my leg. I relaxed into his touch, allowing him to coax my body into being ready to receive his. Never once did he try to kiss me. He concentrated on my sensitive breasts and my lady bits. I reminded myself again—this was about sex and not emotion. Kissing was emotional.
The crinkle told me he was done prepping and it was time for the main performance. The blunt end of his cock pressed against my pussy, and he’d already lubricated the outside of his covered shaft, the cool gel rubbing against my flesh.
His hands grabbed my knees and widened me further to him. He eased the tip in and moved his pelvis back and forward until he’d worked his way inside me. It didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t entirely comfortable either. I lay spread open with a stranger grasping my knees and his cock stuck deep into my pussy. He was average width and length, not too long, but wide enough to stretch me.
He pushed my legs further toward my pelvis until my knees were pressed up as far as they would go to allow him to go as deep as possible, and he began to thrust. At this angle his movements felt deep and powerful, each one rubbing against the back wall of my pussy and making me squirm.
His breath fanned my face, his hands on either side of me as he thrust his cock deep into my body. This was the moment when, in a normal relationship, I would want my partner to kiss me and I’d wrap my arms around them. Instead, I stretched my arms over my head and dug my heels into the bed to arch my hips up.
I wanted an orgasm. I was fucking a stranger, and if he was going to have one, I was entitled to one as well. I undulated my hips to get friction on the other side of my clit, known as the g-spot. His balls slapped against me as he put his body weight behind his thrusts, grunting on the upstroke.
I needed more friction and wriggled my ass until he took the hint and stuck his hand between us, rubbing little circles on my needy mass of nerves. Pressure built in my abdomen and I started to enjoy the feel of him moving inside me, closing my eyes and pretending I was somewhere other than here.
My back arched as tendrils of pleasure shot down my body to build pressure between my legs.
“Fuck,” he hissed against my ear. “I’m going to come.”
I opened my mouth in a silent scream. It wasn’t earthshattering, but it was an orgasm. My pussy tightened around his cock to milk it with my muscle spasms until I felt him pulsing. His thrusts became erratic and he emptied himself, slumping on top of me.
He pressed a gentle kiss on my shoulder. “Thanks for that,” he muttered, pushing himself up to peel his sweat-soaked body from mine.
“All done, guys,” I heard him say in the overwhelming darkness.
I let my legs relax to regain blood flow to them.
The bed dipped at the base, even as I tried to steady my breathing. Hands patted the bed until they felt my legs. Surely the next man wasn’t just going to climb on directly after the first?
He crawled up the bed, his hands sliding up my legs as he settled himself. Without a single word spoken, he pushed his thin cock into my body. It felt inadequate after the last man, barely even filling my pussy. I just lay there, not moving, my legs limp. There was no way I was going to orgasm with so little friction. If you could be fucked politely, then this was it, a gentle ebbing in and out of my body
with no technique or passion. He may as well have been using a rubber doll. The only piece of his body touching mine was his cock, he’d literally climbed on and started. I wasn’t sure what to do or say.
His body spasmed as he gave three harder thrusts and then sighed. Was that it? He crawled away and I began to wonder if I’d had a bad hallucination.
“Ready, Lassie?” a Scottish brogue asked someone in the room. The bed dipped again, and I closed my legs. Two was enough for one night, especially after the last man’s performance.
“Auch, there you are.” Two rough hands found me and roamed my body without permission. “Up yae get.” He rolled me over onto my front, shoving a pillow under my stomach.
A scream pierced the air and I guessed someone had just managed to have a proper earthshattering orgasm. Lucky bitch.
His body crept over mine, and he was hairy. I mean really hairy. His chest scratched my back and his legs rubbed against my freshly waxed hairless ones.
“Let’s see if we can get yae to make a little noise yerself.” He laughed in my ear.
His big, rough hands lifted my pelvis up and he shoved a thick finger between my folds. I tensed and he rubbed it against that perfect spot that make me sink further into the bed and lift my ass higher.
He could spend the next hour rubbing that spot and playing with my clit. That beautiful pressure gathered between my legs and I sighed with the pleasure of it as he gave me a deep tissue massage. Just when I was about to tiptoe over the edge, my insides starting to tremble, he removed those thick fingers.
I made a disappointed noise, and he released a dark laugh. “Dinnae worry, Lassie. I’m just getting started.”
He moved over me, his hairs teasing my sensitive skin. The blunt end of his cock pressed against my opening. He was thick. Even as he inserted the first inch, I was stretched. Unconsciously, I widened my legs as he pushed further into my pussy.